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Salimane, Algeria

Hello everyone, I am Slimane, specializing in important hardware products and wholesale. The company was established in 2013, and its predecessor was established in 1999, when it mainly imported various construction tools, hardware tools and electric tools. After 13 years of experience, I learned that I must be specialized in an industry, so I set up a company, as I mentioned before, specializing in hardware products. The company started operation in 2013. At the beginning, it imported products from European market. Out company’s aim is to emphasize product quality and service quality. In 2017, we imported products from China for the first time, and cooperated with some Chinese companies. Until 2018, I met Mr. Liu and his wife Anna. We discussed the FIRMER brand. After deliberation, I thought FIRMER was excellent because the purpose of our company is very similar to that of FIRMER. They have been committed to product quality and service quality. I have always respected customers, even if I didn’t meet them face to face. After this simple contact with Mr. Liu, I decided to establish FIRMER brand in Algeria. Mr. Liu often asked me how to market the FIRMER brand, and I told him that your inquiries can bring you closer to your customers. This is a very good thing. This can sell FIRMER, which definitely makes FIRMER a very good impression all over the world. As for the marketing purpose in Algeria, it is to provide customers with high quality and superior service. Based on these, we have gained customers’ trust in our quality and service of our products. Similarly, our policy includes direct supply of products, and we have direct supply of products in 33 of the 48 provinces. Finally, I would like to thank everyone for giving me better suggestions.

Larby, Morocco

Hello, everyone. I am a marketing manager at Carnegie company base in Morocco. So, (on behalf Larby) I am recording this video to give you a brief summary of our collaboration with the FIRMER company. We have been working with this brand for the last 6 years or so and frankly since our very first exchange we knew right in our way that it’s going to extend our job partnership. As you guys all say old saying that often good quality comes with a heavy price set. But in the case of FIRMER, the ratio between price and quality is just on point and we are confident to say that by positive feedback we keep on getting from our customer. So FIRMER is easily one of our best suppliers if not just say the best. Another advantage that this company provides us with is a wide range of offerings. Their products range from shower set, taps, drainers, you name it. Literally anything that could fit in a modern restroom which is another proof of their renovation efforts. So, from our side, we are willing to bring more to the table by our suggestions, our feedback to make it adapt your offerings to the Morocco enterprise. Thank you for watching.

Salimane, Algeria

Our foreign trade company specializes in faucets and other goods. Our company is doing business in 33 countries. Our company was registered in Algeria in 2013. Our company has 12 employees. We started to do foreign trade in 2013, doing business in France, buying goods from China in 2017, doing business with FIRMER brand in 2018, and signing contracts from 2019 to 2020. FIRMER is a very good brand. I don’t see any other brand in Algeria that is better than this brand. FIRMER is a high-end brand. My own company also has some other high-end brands, all for the prospect of the company boss. These good brands have made the Algerian market business bigger.